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Lasse Moell ✭✭

  • Re: S meter

    Of course the difference of going from 2.8 to 1.8 kHz is small, it's less than 2 dB. Remember Flex has chosen 6 dB for each step, i.e. you need to go fron 2.8 down to 0.7 kHz to have one S-unit less,…
  • Re: Noise

    If you have high noise with no antenna attached, it likely to be related to your radio. Now, the S-meter value is direct related to the filter BW, larger BW "more" noise. But you will also …
  • Re: S Meter Reading after Service

    Sounds like something is not correct with your radio. Never mind S-units or band noise, but if you terminate your antenna input with a 50 ohm load (this is better than shorting the input giving the i…
  • Re: European 220V Greece plug

    The plug looks like all my three-wire plugs in my shack. https://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plugs-and-sockets/As most of EU does not adhere to the extra pin in the socket, we can rotate the pl…
  • Re: Profile Auto Save Discussion

    Some want to have the profle to autosave other want it to stay as it was from the beginning. Why not have a "file lock"-feature, if this is set, that specific profile cannot be overwritten,…